09-10-2024, 04:30 PM
Trans Am Golden Era (League Edition)
Firstly, I'm aware that SGS (formerly ISR?) have a version of the TAGE cars on Steam... The back story is that we tidied up the TAGE car pack in 2022 - slimming it down (reducing excessive skin numbers - and therefore file sizes) and fixing a few issues (broken icons in the car chooser, some z-plane graphical glitches etc.) - and then ran a Sunday League with the resulting TAGELE pack...
I can't recall if I/we tweaked physics - I think not (or not as much as other SR4L League Editions anyway).
And I couldn't take part in the Sunday League so missed out on some of the hard work I'd put in!
So - we'll run *our* TAGELE version - link here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8vgsu9nb3...rfcmp/file
...and the first track will be Portland Sprint (No Chicane).
Link to our original league thread here: Official FEATURE TAGELE League Thread - Rules, Schedule etc. HERE! (simracers4life.com)
Firstly, I'm aware that SGS (formerly ISR?) have a version of the TAGE cars on Steam... The back story is that we tidied up the TAGE car pack in 2022 - slimming it down (reducing excessive skin numbers - and therefore file sizes) and fixing a few issues (broken icons in the car chooser, some z-plane graphical glitches etc.) - and then ran a Sunday League with the resulting TAGELE pack...
I can't recall if I/we tweaked physics - I think not (or not as much as other SR4L League Editions anyway).
And I couldn't take part in the Sunday League so missed out on some of the hard work I'd put in!

So - we'll run *our* TAGELE version - link here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8vgsu9nb3...rfcmp/file
...and the first track will be Portland Sprint (No Chicane).
Link to our original league thread here: Official FEATURE TAGELE League Thread - Rules, Schedule etc. HERE! (simracers4life.com)