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LiveRacers live timing will cease 28th August!
General Admin Message - not League specific…

We have been notified that the LiveRacers timing service will cease as of 28th August. They are turning the system off for unspecified reasons.

We will endeavour to find a replacement.

It’s worth pointing out that this service has been one of the ongoing costs of running SR4L - and the more active servers we’ve had running, the more we’ve been charged…

This could be good news (if we can find a free/cheaper replacement) - or we might find our costs go up…

If you are aware of a good (preferably live) timing service used *by other rf2 hosts - not all timing services work with rf2* - then please let us know…
Long live Log Analyzer (no long-term player ranking nor track-map, otherwise better in every way) !!!

ods leagues use it from years

You could also create challange, competitions and manage leagues
Thanks - that was on the list to look at.
It's up and running here: http://SR4L Results Analyser page - but I can't yet get the live timing to work...
Thank you very much.
Thank you for your work myles

there is also records page that is very useful with best times for each track.
In filter you could select cars, server name and other things
Mauro, post: 32689, member: 379 Wrote:

ods leagues use it from years

You could also create challange, competitions and manage leagues
Does anyone have contacts with the ODS technical chaps?

I’ll be having another look later this morning, but I couldn’t work out yesterday why I failed to get two servers showing on the live timing at once.

We do (normally) run each rf2 dedi under separate Windows user log accounts (an ‘innovation’ I put in place to stop multiple admins changing dedis that weren‘t directly their own) - and I can see that this might cause issues for the live timing - but I also failed to get one of the dedis to show up even if it was running under the same windows user as the log Analyzer and ‘working’ dedi…

Probably something really simple - but if there’s a particular trick to it, I’m all ears.

Scrap that! It’s working (but I might still manage to break it - need to check if both dedis were left running under the same win account or reverted to separate ones as they normally are).

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