23-08-2024, 08:17 PM
Guys & gals - SR4L are not the only group that are passionate about enjoyable racing in rf2 but are struggling for regular drivers…
We are in contact with a group of Thursday night racers via stu3284 who organises races on SCB Server 1 (password scb). Stu plans to reciprocate by flagging our Tuesday night races - hopefully we can build a bigger rf2 community between us.
Quick reminder - the current SR4L server is *not* on a fixed IP address - you cannot ‘favourite’ it on the rf3 matchmaker. Sorry!
Our next Tuesday track will be loaded on Saturday. Please note that Mauro has alerted us to a potential update to the Cooper T73s - please allow time to update before connecting!
We are in contact with a group of Thursday night racers via stu3284 who organises races on SCB Server 1 (password scb). Stu plans to reciprocate by flagging our Tuesday night races - hopefully we can build a bigger rf2 community between us.

Quote:We are totally social and to keep people racing we run damage at 50% and will even restart if theres a big pile up in first lap as we'd rather have people racing than not so its more of a friendly fun event.
Quick reminder - the current SR4L server is *not* on a fixed IP address - you cannot ‘favourite’ it on the rf3 matchmaker. Sorry!
stu3284 Wrote:Our next event.Hope to see so e of you there!
Japanese Classics at Lakeside
29th August 2024
Official Start 19:30 BST / 20:30 CEST
(Practice is usually started before official time with extended time)
Race Format
Practice - 30 mins
Qualifying - 15 mins
Race - 3 x 15 Reverse Grid (with option to do additional race)
Our next Tuesday track will be loaded on Saturday. Please note that Mauro has alerted us to a potential update to the Cooper T73s - please allow time to update before connecting!